Insurance and Billing

Montgomery Cancer Center will assist you with filing insurance and billing, contacting insurance companies and working on your behalf.

We will also help provide pre-certification on imaging for those patients who need it. Please take a moment to become familiar with the services provided by the Business Office staff. Please call our Patient Accounts Representative at 334-386-2900 (Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) if you have questions or need assistance in coordinating and filing claims with your insurance company. Please be assured that your confidentiality will be respected at all times.

Health Insurance

As a new patient you will meet with our Patient Account Representatives and complete a patient information form and verify your insurance information. Please bring all of your health insurance information when you register, including identification, the name of your insurance provider, group number, plan number or other identifying numbers, claims filing address, insurance carrier's telephone number, and insurance card(s). A photocopy of your insurance card(s) will be placed in your billing file. If you are covered by more than one insurance company, please let us know which company is the primary carrier. This will help to avoid any delays in receiving benefits. If there is any change in your health coverage, please contact the office to update your records. If your insurance is in your spouse's name we will also need their date of birth.

We participate in most major insurance companies' plans and will submit claims to your carrier on your behalf. Medicaid patients are welcome. We also accept Medicare assignment; however, you will be responsible for the deductible and your 20% co-payment for Medicare's allowed charges for physician care, chemotherapy drugs, and laboratory tests. If you belong to an HMO or PPO plan, please verify that our physicians are in the plan before your treatment begins. Also, please inform our office if pre-certification is necessary with your plan.

Some insurance companies require you to use a specific laboratory or to obtain referrals or pre-authorization for office visits, hospital admissions, and treatment. It is your responsibility to obtain the initial referral and bring this with you on the first day of your first visit. If you need assistance with your insurance requirements, our staff will make every effort to help you.

Information Update

It's your responsibility to inform us of any insurance or personal data change. Incorrect information can cause payment delays or denials that may ultimately leave you responsible for payment.

Co-Payments & Deductibles

Co-payments and other balances are due on the day you receive services. If your insurance carrier requires it, you will need to pay for estimated coinsurance or deductibles related to the services provided. If you have any questions regarding co-payments or deductibles, please call your insurance carrier for policy guidelines.

Filing Insurance Claims

Montgomery Cancer Center will bill the primary insurance carrier your healthcare services, and if applicable, your secondary insurance company as a courtesy, to include Medicare and Medicaid. It is important to remember that health insurance coverage varies and some services may not be covered. If you have questions regarding your health insurance coverage, please call your insurance carrier to better understand how your policy works prior to receiving care at Montgomery Cancer Center.

Non-Covered Services

If your insurance carrier determines the service provided is not medically necessary, is a preexisting condition, or is a non-covered service, you may be asked to sign a notice that makes you financially responsible for the service provided and you will be asked to pay at the time of service.

Patient Statements

In the event your insurance carrier does not pay the entire bill, we will send you a statement notifying you of any remaining unpaid balances. This statement will usually arrive within 45 days of receiving services at Montgomery Cancer Center unless there is a delay in your insurance carrier's payment.

Payment Methods

For your convenience, we accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Payment is due 15 days after you receive a statement. We will be happy to assist you in developing a payment plan.

Financial Assistance or Payment Plans

Please tell us if you are unable to pay your bill in full. We are available to assist you with completing applications for government-sponsored programs and describing monthly payment plans and other financial assistance programs available for patients meeting certain financial criteria.

Collection Process

Montgomery Cancer Center will use the services of Fidelity Medical Services, Inc. in collection of all outstanding debt. Accounts which are not paid within 90 days, and for which no special arrangements have been made, will be subject to placement with Fidelity Medical Services, Inc.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Montgomery Cancer Center protects the rights, safety and privacy of our patients. As a competent, adult patient, you have the right to:

  • Considerate and respectful care at all times and under all circumstances with special attention to your personal privacy and dignity.
  • Receive information from your physician about your illness, your course of treatment and the prospects for recovery in terms that you can understand.
  • Participate in treatment decisions. You have the legal and ethical right to participate fully in all decisions about your healthcare.
  • Receive information about risks and hazards of treatment, and alternatives to the proposed treatment before giving consent.
  • Seek a second opinion.
  • A reasonable response to your requests and needs under all circumstances.
  • Review and/or obtain a copy of the information contained in your medical record.
  • Treatment and services within the applicable law and regulation.
  • Request correction of a potential inaccuracy in your medical record.
  • Be informed of the proposed use of any experimental drug or experimental treatment affecting your care and the right to refuse such drug or treatment.
  • Refuse any treatment. Refusing treatment at the end of life can be accomplished by preparing an Advance Directive (Living Will) in accordance with applicable laws, and providing a copy to your doctor.

The care that a patient receives depends partially on the patient. In addition to these patient rights, a patient has certain responsibilities. In order to provide optimal care for all of our patients, as a patient you should:

  • Be on time for your appointments. You should notify the Center when you are unable to keep your appointment.
  • Provide accurate and complete medical information to the best of your ability. Make it known whether you clearly understand the course of your medical treatment and what is expected.
  • Follow the agreed upon treatment plan.
  • Be considerate of other patients and assist in the guidelines concerning food, visitors and children while in the Center.
  • Assure that your financial obligations are fulfilled promptly.

Click here to pay your bill online.